Cultivating the Neutral Heart: Sunday
An Enneagram exploration of Qigong + embodiment
Available spots
Discover the transformative power of Qigong combined with the wisdom of the Enneagram in this unique 12-week class. This experiential series introduces 12 Qigong movements mapped to the nine types and three centers. Using movement and breathwork, participants learn how to release wound-up tension and reactivity, reset instinctual energies, and awaken to sustainably living from higher states of consciousness. Come explore how cultivating a steady flow of vital energy that connects the belly, heart, and head centers frees the expression of the Virtues, profoundly reorienting all of our relationships. This page is to book the class that begins on Sunday, Jan. 26, 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm EST. If you want to take the class on Wednesday, see the other page. This Qigong series is designed for people familiar with the Enneagram and who want to work holistically with all three centers and nine types. Early bird price is $396 until Jan. 11, when the cost goes up to $450. If you are taking the class a second time, the price is $200. Through these specific movements and breathwork, we will release stuck energies and conditioned contractions all throughout the body. These practices increase and transform the flow of energy into its more natural state and help practitioners recognize embodiment of higher states of consciousness. One of the Enneagram’s foundational teachings is that the Holy Ideas and Virtues are fully manifesting in each of us in every moment. With these vigorous Qigong practices, we learn how to cultivate awareness of these Essence qualities and be reminded of our innate potential for sustainable growth, transformation, and liberation. We will explore how Qigong’s underlying philosophy on the centrality of the Heart-Mind is more aligned with the Enneagram’s teachings than western approaches to the mind-body split. This series has been called life-changing, empowering, and transformative. Come set a new year in motion, deepen self-awareness, enhance well-being, unwind survival strategies, and experience the radiant ease of living with presence. To keep the collective field stable, registrants are expected to participate via Zoom. (It is not a recorded-only offering.) However, it is understandable that students may miss a few classes, so they are recorded and will be available for one year. Please note that there is no class on Feb. 16, April 20. Questions or to request a payment plan or partial scholarship, email Kathy:
Upcoming Session(s)
Cancellation Policy
Please notify me if you need to cancel or reschedule at least 24 hours before your session. Thanks!
Contact Details
+ 240-994-3953
Poolesville, MD, USA