Recommended Qigong Classes
Thank you for connecting with me! I would love to work with you to:
cultivate awareness of Life Force through Qigong
strengthen your energy body's muscles through movement, breathing, and visualization
nurture embodiment through these practices while exploring the Enneagram
I look forward to what emerges.
Qigong Classes Coming Up
I recommend everyone learn the Four Golden Wheels exercise. This is an evidence-based practice that's lots of fun! With regular practice as little as 15 minutes a day, you will lower your stress; heal aches and pains; tone your vagus nerve; sleep better; and balance your nervous system, improving mental health and resilience. In this class, you will learn to work with energy in your three centers of intelligence and awareness, as well as how to revitalize
your depleted reserves of vitality through movement, breathing, and visualization.
Kathy teaches this 4-hour, 2-session class monthly, ​
Click here for upcoming dates and to learn more. Please note that participants receive
access to practice videos so they can master the skills in their own time. To encourage
practice, upon completion, students are invited to take one free class a week.
Cultivating the Neutral Heart
Please join me for an 11-week experiential embodiment class beginning June 5.
This series is designed for students familiar with the Enneagram. Participants learn
12 Qigong movements: one for each center (belly, heart, and head) and one for each of the
9 types. Through these specific movements and breathwork, we unwind stuck and contracted
energy in 12 organs. These practices transform the flow of energy into its more natural state and
help practitioners recognize and root more deeply in higher states of consciousness. Emotional reactivity is alleviated and the cardiovascular, digestive, and respiratory systems reset, contributing significantly to homeostatic and neurovegetative regulation. Qigong is an efficient, holistic way to experience the Virtues and Holy Ideas.
Click here for more information and to register. Click here for testimonials.
Just like the Enneagram, Qigong is simultaneously a developmental and a spiritual path. Qigong’s three Dantians, or energy centers in the body, map directly to the Enneagram; they are in the belly, heart, and head. These practices take an experiential approach to transforming contractions and resistance, untangling emotional reactivity, and strengthening the capacity to unhook from fear and uncertainty. We move beyond observation and habit change into a profound dialogue with Life Force itself, with the domain of Liberation.
Weekly Classes
If you would simply like to create a regular Qigong practice to start the week off on the right foot, you may want to join me for Lunchbreak Inspired Living Practices, which meet on Sundays and Mondays at 12:00 noon Eastern. These classes combine Qigong movements with Coherent Breathing meditations to renew and recharge your nervous system, helping you to be relaxed, receptive, and resilient.
Students who complete the Four Golden Wheels class are invited to continue exploring Qigong on Tuesday evenings: Qigong Explorations. In this class, we work with Qi flow, visualizations, perceiving dynamism and stillness, and nourishing Qi practices. These classes run as a 7-week series, so go to Book Online and scroll down to Qigong Explorations to see more about the current series.
One-on-one coaching is also available if you prefer customized learning opportunities. For serious seekers, especially those familiar with the Enneagram, Kathy offers 4-month to 16-month coaching engagements, integrating Qigong and breathwork practices for balancing the instincts and moving sustainably up the levels of development.
Be in Touch
If you are a seeker who cares about awakening to the present moment, a Qigong practice is necessary to stabilize your inner world and to manage the energy of Life Force moving through you. It's like doing calisthenics for the energy body, for the light body, and will transform all your relationships. Through practice, Qigong offers a unique promise: you will learn to fuse with Life Force and Live from Presence.
If none of the dates/times work for you, please let me know what does work. I would happy to work your availability into future class scheduling.
If you are curious about how Qigong supports Enneagram practitioners, check out this interview I did with the Enneagram Global Summit in December 2021: The Marriage of Qigong and the Enneagram for Creating Embodiment and Flowing Life Force.
I am a life-long member of the human development movement. I have worked with hundreds of individuals and organizations to co-create a world in which all beings flourish. I hope to practice with you soon! Come learn to live a life filled with conscious choice, ordinary glories, laughter, ease, growth, healing, empowerment, and transformation.
Let me know if you have any questions or if you'd like to schedule a call!
Qiao! xo Kathy
Poetry / Prayer List
I send a poem a day during Lent and Advent. Poetry is a beautiful way to explore energy through visualization, connection, and heart-felt reckoning with the human condition. If you'd like to sign up for the Poetry / Prayer list, click here!
Let's stay connected.